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40 多年来,LVBC 一直在培训其志愿者,为成年人提供基础读写能力和 ESOL 方面的免费私人和保密辅导。 我们相信教授识字技能可以让成年人实现他们的目标,并成为我们社区更强大的贡献者。 我们的项目帮助成年人获得有效沟通所需的读写能力。我们使用定制的课程为学生提供一对一的辅导,以满足他们的个人目标和即时需求。学生能够按照自己的节奏学习,使用重要或感兴趣的材料来学习
Mission Statement

The LVBC Board of Directors currently has 2 available board seats to be filled by individuals who have benefitted by ABL or ESOL educational programming in hopes of including their unique perspective to the LVBC board of directors. If you are interested in serving on our board please contact us by phone or email us at Use the subject line: Trustee Position
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